Maxwell 中文帮助文档_建模篇-02

Drawing a Three-Point Arc Line绘制三点弧线

In the modeler, a three-point arc line segment is an arced line defined by three points on its curve.

Use the Draw>Arc>3 Point command to create a polyline object with one or more arc line



使用Draw > Arc > 3 Point命令来创建一个带有一条或多条弧线的折线对象

1. Click Draw>Arc>3 Point Maxwell 中文帮助文档_建模篇-02的图1.

点击 Draw > Arc > 3 Point。

2. Select the start point of the arc in one of the following ways:


l Click the point.


l Type the point’s coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

或者,在状态栏的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入点的坐标。

4. Select the midpoint of the arc by clicking the point or typing the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

通过点击弧线的中点或者在状态栏的 x,y,z 文本框中输入坐标来选择弧线的中点。

To delete the last point that was entered, click Undo Previous Segment on the shortcut menu. After using the undo feature, you can also use Redo Previous Segment on the shortcut menu.


To delete all points and start over, press ESC or click Escape Draw Mode on the shortcut menu.

若要删除所有点并重新开始,请按 ESC 或单击快捷菜单上的 Escape Draw Mode。

4. Select the endpoint of the arc by clicking the point or typing the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

通过单击点或在状态栏中的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入坐标来选择弧的点。

The endpoint serves as the start point for a subsequent arc line segment.


5. If the endpoint is the last point of the polyline object, double-click the point to complete the polyline or click Done on the shortcut menu.

如果该终点是折线对象的最后一个点,请双击该点以完成折线或单击快捷菜单上的 Done。

If the Modeler option for editing properties of new primitives is checked, the Properties dialog box appears, in which you can modify the object’s attributes. Those listed under the Command tab describe the commands used to create the object. These commands also appear in the History tree. The Properties listed as line attributes include Name, Orientation, whether a Model object , whether to Display Wireframe, Color, Transparency, and whether to Show Direction as arrows. The Show Direction property is most helpful to unambiguously show the line start orientation when plotting fields along a line.

如果选中Modeler option for editing properties of new primitives选项,线段绘制后将出现“属性”对话框,您可以在该对话框中修改对象的属性。在 Command 选项卡下列出用于创建对象的命令。这些命令也出现在历史树中。列出的属性包括 Name(名称)、 Orientation(坐标系)、是否是 Model 对象、是否显示 Wireframe(轮廓线)、 Color、 Transparency 以及是否将 Direction 显示为箭头。Show Direction 选项在沿着一条线绘制场结果有助于明确线的起始方向。

6. Click OK.


Based on the three points you specified, the modeler calculates the center point and radius of the arc and draws an arced line through the three points.


Maxwell 中文帮助文档_建模篇-02的图2

NoteWhile drawing a polyline, you can switch between arc line, straight line, or spline segments using the Set Edge Type commands on the shortcut menu.

注意: 在绘制折线时,可以使用快捷菜单上的 Set Edge Type 命令在弧线、直线或样条段之间切换。

Drawing a Center-Point Arc Line绘制中心点弧线

In the modeler, a center-point arc line segment is an arced line defined by a center point, start point and angle. Use the Draw>Arc>Center Point command to create a polyline object with one or more center-point arc line segments.

在建模器中,中心点弧线段是由中心点、起始点和角度定义的弧线。使用 Draw > Arc > Center Point 命令创建包含一个或多个中心点弧线段的折线对象。

1. Click Draw>Arc>Center Point Maxwell 中文帮助文档_建模篇-02的图3.

点击 Draw > Arc > Center Point。

2. Select the center point of the arc in one of the following ways:


l Click the point.


l Type the point’s coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

在状态栏的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入点的坐标。

4. Select the start point, or radius, of the arc by clicking the point or typing the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

通过单击该点或在状态栏中的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入坐标,选择弧的起始点或半径


To delete the last point that was entered, click Undo Previous Segment on the shortcut menu. After using the undo feature, you can also use Redo Previous Segment on the shortcut menu.


To delete all points and start over, press ESC or click Escape Draw Mode on the shortcut menu.

若要删除所有点并重新开始,请按 ESC 或单击快捷菜单上的 Escape Draw Mode。

4. Sweep the angle, or endpoint, of the arc by clicking the point or typing the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

通过单击点或在状态栏中的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入坐标来扫描弧线的角度或端点。

5. If the endpoint is the last point of the polyline object, double-click the point to complete the polyline or click Done on the shortcut menu.

如果端点是折线对象的最后一个点,请双击该点以完成折线或单击快捷菜单上的 Done。

If the Modeler option for editing properties of new primitives is checked, the Properties dialog box appears, in which you can modify the object’s attributes.

如果选中Modeler option for editing properties of new primitives选项,线段绘制后将出现“属性”对话框,您可以在该对话框中修改对象的属性。

6. Click OK.


NoteWhile drawing a polyline, you can switch between arc line, straight line, or spline segments using the Set Edge Type commands on the shortcut menu.

注意: 在绘制折线时,可以使用快捷菜单上的 Set Edge Type 命令在弧线、直线或样条段之间切换。

Drawing a Spline绘制样条

A spline is a curved line defined by three points. The modeler uses a natural spline type: a piece wise cubic spline with an end condition that has a derivative of zero. Use the Draw>Spline command to create a polyline object with one or more spline segments.

样条曲线是由三个点定义的曲线。建模使用默认样条类型: 一个具有零导数结束条件的分段三次样条。使用 Draw > Spline 命令创建包含一个或多个样条段的折线对象。

1. Click Draw>Spline Maxwell 中文帮助文档_建模篇-02的图4.

单击 Draw > Spline。

2. Select the spline’s start point in one of the following ways:


l Click the point.


l Type the point’s coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar, and then press Enter.

在状态栏的 x,y,z 文本框中键入点的坐标,然后按 Enter。

To delete the last point entered, click Undo Previous Segment on the shortcut menu.After using the undo feature, you can also use Redo Previous Segment on the shortcut menu. To delete all selected points and start over, press ESC or click Escape Draw Mode on the shortcut menu.

若要删除最后输入的点,请单击快捷菜单上的“撤消上一段”。在使用撤销功能之后,你也可以在快捷菜单上使用 Redo Previous Segment。要删除所有选定的点并重新开始,请按 ESC 或单击快捷菜单上的 Escape Draw Mode。

3. Select the midpoint of the spline by clicking the point or typing the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

通过单击样条的中点或在状态栏的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入坐标来选择样条的中点。

4. Select the endpoint of the spline by clicking the point or typing the coordinates in the X, Y, and Z text boxes in the status bar.

通过单击点或在状态栏的 x、 y 和 z 文本框中键入坐标来选择样条的端点。

The endpoint serves as the start point for a subsequent spline segment.


5. Complete the spline in one of the following ways:


Double-click the endpoint.


Click Done on the shortcut menu.


Press Enter.


If the Modeler option for editing properties of new primitives is checked, the Properties dialog box appears, in which you can modify the object’s attributes. Those listed under the Command tab describe the commands used to create the object. These commands also appear in the History tree. The Properties listed as line attributes include Name, Orientation, whether a Model object , whether to Display Wireframe, Color, Transparency, and whether to Show Direction as arrows. The Show Direction property is most helpful to unambiguously show the line start orientation when plotting fields along a line.

如果选中Modeler option for editing properties of new primitives选项,线段绘制后将出现“属性”对话框,您可以在该对话框中修改对象的属性。在 Command 选项卡下列出用于创建对象的命令。这些命令也出现在历史树中。列出的属性包括 Name(名称)、 Orientation(坐标系)、是否是 Model 对象、是否显示 Wireframe(轮廓线)、 Color、 Transparency 以及是否将 Direction 显示为箭头。Show Direction 选项在沿着一条线绘制场结果有助于明确线的起始方向。

6.  Click OK.



While drawing a polyline, you can switch between spline, straight line, or arc line segments using the Set Edge Type commands on the shortcut menu.

注意: 在绘制折线时,可以使用快捷菜单上的 Set Edge Type 命令在样条、直线或弧线段之间切换。





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