
这是我从Altair HyperMesh软件的Help文档中整理出来的有关 HyperMesh Tutorials的所添加的使用指南,其中包含版本从6.0至7.0,再升级到sp1中几乎所有内容,希望对爱好使用本软件的大家有所帮助^_^!其中“HM-1000”表示为Help文档内部编号,可在其Help‘查找’内中直接输入查找对应项;“#”为7.0所增加的指南,“*”为sp1所增加的指南,其余均为6.0的指南。若有不足之处,请大家补充,谢谢!
Introductory Tutorial(介绍指南)
Getting Started with HyperMesh - HM-1000

Working with Geometry(几何清理)
Creating and Editing Line Data- HM-2000
Fixing Geometry for Meshing - HM-2020
#Generating a Midplane from Solid Geometry - HM-2030
Simplifying Geometry Features - HM-2040
#Generating Surfaces from Elements - HM-2060

1-D Elements
Creating 1-D Elements - HM-3000
Connecting Components with 1-D Elements - HM-3010
#Obtaining and Assigning Beam Cross-Section Properties using HyperBeam - HM-3020

2-D Elements
Creating 2-D Elements from Surfaces Using the Automesh Function - HM-3100
Remeshing 2-D Elements - HM-3110
2-D Meshing around Fixed Points - HM-3120
Exploring 2-D Mesh Parameter Options in the Automesh Function - HM-3130
Controlling the 2-D Mesh Concentration in Curved Areas - HM-3140
Creating and Optimizing a 2-D Mesh Based on User-Defined Quality Criteria - HM-3150
#Creating a 2-D Mesh using Batch Mesher - HM-3160
Creating 2-D Elements without Surfaces - HM-3170
Splitting and Combining 2-D Elements - HM-3180
#Creating a Tria Mesh for Tetrameshing - HM-3190

3-D Elements
#Creating a Hexahedral Mesh using the Solid Map Function - HM-3200
Generating 3-D Tetrahedral Elements - HM-3210
#Meshing a Part with Hexahedral Elements - HM-3220
#Tetrameshing a Volume in a Single Step - HM-3230

Checking 2-D Mesh Quality and Continuity - HM-3300
#Checking 3-D Mesh Quality and Continuity - HM-3310
#Measuring and Improving 2-D Mesh Quality using a Quality Index - HM-3320
#Troubleshooting 2-D Mesh Quality Issues Manually - HM-3330

Creating Connectors - HM-3400

Getting Started with HyperMorph - HM-3500
Understanding the HyperMorph Morphing Process - HM-3510
Applying HyperMorph Strategies - HM-3520

All Solvers
Defining Composites - HM-4000
Working with Loads on Geometry - HM-4010
*Working with Include Files - HM-4020

Setting Up OptiStruct FE Analyses in HyperMesh - HM-4100

Setting Up NASTRAN Static Analysis in HyperMesh - HM-4200

Setting Up an ABAQUS Analysis in HyperMesh - HM-4300
Defining ABAQUS Contacts for 2-D Models in HyperMesh - HM-4310
Defining ABAQUS Contacts for 3-D Models in HyperMesh - HM-4320
#Defining *STEP using ABAQUS Step Manager - HM-4330
#Pre-Processing for Bracket and Cradle Analysis using ABAQUS - HM-4340
#Pre-Processing for Crashing Tubes Analysis using ABAQUS - HM-4350

Setting Up ANSYS and Stress Analysis in HyperMesh - HM-4400
Defining ANSYS Contacts for 2-D Models in HyperMesh - HM-4410
Defining ANSYS Contacts for 3-D Models in HyperMesh - HM-4420
Crash Solvers
Checking Penetration, Creating Joints, and Checking Minimum Time Step - HM-4500
Dummy Positioning, Seatbelt Routing, and Control Volumes - HM-4510

#Pre-Processing for Baseball Impact using LS-DYNA - HM-4600
#Pre-Processing for Airbag Analysis using LS-DYNA - HM-4610
#Pre-Processing for Bumper Impact Analysis using LS-DYNA - HM-4620
#Pre-Processing for Ink Cartridge Drop Test using LS-DYNA ALE - HM-4630
*Replacing a Part using the Part Replacement Macro - HM-4640

Using the PAM-CRASH Interface in HyperMesh - HM-4700

Using the RADIOSS Fixed Interface in HyperMesh - HM-4800
#Pre-Processing for Pipes Impact Using RADIOSS Block - HM-4810
#Pre-Processing for Bumper Impact Analysis using RADIOSS Block - HM-4820

Creating a MADYMO Model - HM-4900
Setting up a MADYMO Occupant Safety Analysis in HyperMesh - HM-4910

Creating a Macro - HM-8000

Exporting Data for Fatigue Analysis - HM-9000




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F 合适窗口大小F 合适窗口大小 D display窗口 H help文件 F2 delete panel F12 auto mesh panel F10 elem check panel F5 mask panel F6 element edit panel Ctrl+鼠标左键 旋转 Ctrl+鼠标滑轮滑动 缩放 Ctrl+鼠标滑轮画线 缩放画线部分 Ctrl+鼠标右键 平移 F11 quick
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例如:cell4 = mdb.models['block'].parts['crankcase'].cells[4],要把part模块中编号为4的体赋值给cell4,就需通过路径mdb→models→part→cells(4号体属性),其中'block'、'crankcase'、分别是model和part的名字。 在草图Sketch中画线: s = mdb.models[' block '].Co
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