
模拟子弹侵彻装甲钢过程。子弹和钢板之间定义eroding surface to surface接触,子弹part做主面,钢板part做为从面,计算过程中出现error: number of slave nodes in eroding contact interface #1 exceeding initial number. pleast restart after setting flag to activate the -interior node option-请问该如何修改K文件,消除该错误
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    *** Error 21198 (STR+1198) reading contact segment data undefined node # 604904 9027776 0 0 001000 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 the segment does not belong to any element *CONTACT_ERODING_NODES_TO_SURFAC
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    Abaqus/Explicit Packager exited with an error - Please see the status file for possible error messages if the file exists. msg文件里没有错误信息,dat文件里的错误信息如下 *** ABAQUS/package rank 0 encountered a SEGMENTATI
    *** ERROR # 312 *** In static load case 1 the compliance is negative or large 4.82558e+013. Optimization/buckling analysis cannot be performed. due to possible rigid body mode. FEASIBLE DESIGN (ALL CO