Combining crystal plasticity and electron microscopy to elucidate texture dependent micro-mechanisms of tensile deformation in lath martensitic steel.pdf

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Combining crystal plasticity and electron microscopy to elucidate texture dependent micro-mechanisms of tensile deformation in lath martensitic steel

Combining crystal plasticity and electron microscopy to elucidate
texture dependent micro-mechanisms of tensile deformation in
lath martensitic steel
Arya Chatterjee a,b,*, Md. Basiruddin Sk a,c, A. Ghosh a,d, R. Mitra a, D.

Crystal plasticity modelling of tensile deformation
In order to study the micro-mechanisms deformation associated with uniaxial tensile loading, crystal plasticity modelling technique
has been employed using Visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) polycrystal model (Lebensohn and Tomé, 1993).

Deformation mechanisms study by electron microscopy
Microstructural observation of post-tensile tested samples using electron microscopy revealed the deformation mechanisms
operative during tensile deformation of current investigated particle containing lath martensitic steels having different initial

Combining crystal plasticity and electron microscopy to elucidate texture dependent micro-mechanisms of tensile deformation in lath martensitic steel.pdf的相关案例教程

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