
XP系统,按照下面的提示安装的,然后运行时说security check failed。这是为毛啊为毛啊,搞了一个下午了...
1. Run setup and install select the Marc and Mentat check boxes.
2. Open the license.dat in the crack directory and change "host" on the first line
to your computer name. Edit the Daemon path on second line so it reflects
the install path.
3. Copy the license.dat to x:\MSC\flexlm\licenses.
4. Manually setup Flexlm services via the Flexlm applet (applet not supplied
with Marc) and set the license environment:
MSC_LICENSE_FILE = 1700@host (host being your computer name)
5. Open zhe control panel, and run the "Flexlm license manager", and choose
setup, lmgrd.exe should choose x:\MSC\flexlm\Lmgrd.exe, License file
should choose x:\MSC\flexlm\License.dat, Debug log file should choose
x:\MSC\flexlm\debug.log. Then choose "确定"
6. Reboot and run the program.
其中debug log file本来没有,我自己创建的...
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    和参考: https://github.com/UnnamedMoose/BasicOpenFOAMProgrammingTutorials https://www.topcfd.cn/simulation/solve/openfoam/openfoam-program/ https://www.tfd.chalmers.se/~hani/kurser/OS_CFD/ https://github
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