遇到以下问题 求指点

Whenever a translation (rotation) dof at a node is constrained by a kinematic coupling definition the translation (rotation) dofs for that node cannot be included in any other constraint including mpcs, rigid bodies, etc.

For contact pair (assembly__pickedsurf469-assembly__pickedsurf468), adjusted nodes with very small adjustments were not printed. Specify *preprint,contact=yes for complete printout.

The ratio of the maximum incremental adjustment to the average characteristic length is 1.64259e-02 at node 46 instance beam-1 on the surface pair (assembly__pickedsurf475,assembly__pickedsurf474).

Not all the nodes that have been adjusted were printed. Specify *preprint,contact=yes for complete printout.

Boundary conditions are specified on inactive dof of 64 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeBCInactiveDof.

The strain increment has exceeded fifty times the strain to cause first yield at 1728 points

Excessive distortion at a total of 320 integration points in solid (continuum) elements

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遇到以下问题 求指点的相关案例教程

Whenever a translation (rotation) dof at a node is constrained by a kinematic coupling definition the translation (rotation) dofs for that node cannot be included in any other constraint including mpc
Too many attempts made for this increment The analysis has been terminated due to previous errors. All output requests have been written for the last converged increment. Abaqus/Standard Analysis exit
有限元基础编程——杆单元(附Matlab源码) 引言 ”有限的单元,无限的能力“这句话来自清华大学有限元分析公开课曾攀老师的开课语。想要学好有限元这门课,不光要理解理论公式的由来及简单手酸,更要结合实际应用。本栏目将带着大家Step-By-Step基于Matlab语言实现有限元的基础操作,课程代码来自《有限元分析基础教程》——曾攀,并附赠ANSYS命令流文件进行自行验证Matlab代码正确性。 有
1、塑性材料和接触面上都不能用C3D20R和C3D20单元,这可能是你收敛问题的主要原因。如果需要得到应力,可以使用C3D8I (在所关心的部位要让单元角度尽量接近90度),如果只关心应变和位移,可以使用C3D8R, 几何形状复杂时,可以使用C3D10M。 2、接触对中的slave surface应该是材料较软,网格较细的面。 3、接触面之间有微小的距离,定义接触时要设定“Adjust=位置误差限
LS-DYNA接触概念的引入 基础力学分析对像只考虑受力体,输入条件为外力量值。然而真实情况下,物体通常是因为与其它的物体发生接触才受力,外力量值是无法预期的。 LS-DYNA为了实现几何上的接触条件,发展了完备的接触力学演算方式,如检查slave nodes与master segment是否产生相互作用(穿透或滑动,在TiedContacts 中slave限定在主面上滑动),以仿真现实环境的复杂