
For two-dimensional models, if a non-unity thickness is specified for two-dimensional solid elements and these elements are involved in an interaction such as contact, the same thickness should be specified for the out-of-plane thickness of the corresponding surface under *surface interaction.

The request for mises output will be replaced by a request for s output

Integration and section point output variables will not be output for deformable elements that are declared as rigid using the *rigid body option

The request for mises output will be replaced by a request for s output

Integration and section point output variables will not be output for deformable elements that are declared as rigid using the *rigid body option

3 nodes associated with rigid bodies have boundary conditions prescribed at nodes other than the reference node. These boundary conditions will be transferred to the associated rigid body reference node.The reference nodes and the dependent nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeOverconBoundRB.

Nodes belonging to 1 RIGID BODIES have boundary conditions prescribed at nodes other than the reference node. These boundary conditions indicate the rigid bodies cannot rotate about certain axes. Zero rotational boundary conditions have been added to these reference nodes.The reference nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeOverconBoundRBRot.

343 nodes have dof on which incorrect boundary conditions may have been specified. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeBCIncorrectDof.

343 nodes have dof on which incorrect boundary conditions may have been specified. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeBCIncorrectDof.

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  • 北望逸尘
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